
Rayyan Khan
2 min readFeb 10, 2021

Imagination, a mixture of curiosity and creativity lurking in our minds. This great power in us slowly fades away as we become more mature and get involved in worldly matters. Our lives have been abducted by these issues that won’t leave us until we die and leave this world. Imagination is a way out, it’s light for the dark and hope for the lost. We will die one day and leave a legacy that could aspire our young and make their lives better. Everyone is unique, powerful in their own right, grabbing on to people who inspire them and give them a goal. All goals differ from each other, some are passive lead by masterful, inspiring leaders that want to have a major impact on this planet while some have their corrupted plans which sour their own lives and put upon them a heavy burden even when they die. Good gets good and bad gets bad. This is the way we have been taught, being nice and elated throughout our lives and try to have a major influence on the youth.

Where does it come from?

Our imagination is a bottomless pit that seeks our attention, which we never care about. Video games and movies play a big part in our lives, often thrashed for ruining kids and being overall useless. No, games like Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of time can never lose their charms, it’s their emotional impact on the player that leaves them awed till the end of the game. Movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the rings give rise to a new, breathing world that sticks with us and hits us back when we get older. Remember, it’s these experiences that had changed us in the first place, giving our brain a chance to open itself to a new world.

A good imagination is like mastering an art.

Adulthood drives us crazy, ages our mind,s and starts souring our imagination and creativity. I’d say we decide our own route and decide whether we want to be imaginative, creative, or more mature. I mean people differ from each other, have strong desires, and see the world differently, while some would write movies that will hit the big screen and become Classic hits like harry potter.

Spread this word about adulthood and imagination and give rise to a new question for the youth, are they up for it?

